Small Works

Eternal Rest

- written alongside Willem Oosthuysen

- a one act opera drawing on text/music from the Middle Ages to follow a horse-headed priest & his congregation as they reconcile their minds and hearts in a plagued world.

- originally written for Undiscovered Countries, a triptych of operas produced by American Opera Projects

- watch all three operas here!

The Watering Hole

- written alongside Willem Oosthuysen

- a short opera that swirls mythology and sacrifice while floating upon the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

- performed at Brooklyn Academy of Music with support from American Opera Projects & the NYU Opera Lab

- see an aria from the show performed here!

- read more about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Opera

- a one act play that explores digital gender performance while attempting to burn down the legacy of Bertolt Brecht

- originally written and performed at the National Theatre Institute’s theatremakers program

- read more about why Berolt Brecht was a piece of shit

The Electric Forest

- a short play exploring technology and nature and rebirths and giving up

- written for RootBeer Occasion’s Living Room Stories


- written alongside Erin Marie Hoerchler

- a short musical about the rise of feral hogs in the southern United States and how one particular man contends with their carnage

- Tisch Fringe Festival performance cancelled by coronavirus

- read more about the feral hog crisis